Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Achievement Unlocked!

295x4 squat!

Should be able to squat 315 now, at least. (THREE PLATES)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

DAD! Where's the kayak?

I just realized, it's nice enough to be out on lakes!

Achievement Unlocked!

295 3x2 Deadlift
70 + bar 5x3 or so Hammer Curl

This means the dead lift One Rep is now probably around 315, which was one of the goals I set.

I think I may have underestimated myself when setting these goals.

Good problem to have.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back on the Routine

ran, legs day, ran again (lamely).

protein is go.

Actually seeing some gains here! Did some barbell press (the shoulder kind) and got 5x5 on 60lbs each hand, which is probably better than my standing military press.

feeling great and healthy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Achievement unlocked!

4mi x 9min!


So, thanks to rock climbing, I only was able to do back and heavy bag on saturday, and could not/did not run on Sunday.

I then pussed out a bit. Had exams, figured I didn't have time to lift or run.

Mistake, mistake, mistake mistake.

Yesterday, back on the routine. Serious chest workout with MUCH dismay to see how much all of my 5reps dropped. Less than one week, and it all goes to shit.

I even had to have an old lady help me get the bar off my chest on a 215 bench. Should have been five reps, got one. On the other hand, I hadn't been doing well nutritionally and in terms of hydration. I need to remember to keep that protein loaded.

Today, I went for a run. Feet hurt terribly, ran through the pain.

The GOOD news, though, is that I'm up to 4.5 miles in 40 minutes, and by the end I was flying. The "wall" is getting earlier and earlier. I also now notice two "walls." The first wall I dub the "Suck Wall" where your body is just screaming at you from every possible angle that running sucks. This took the form of SEVERE foot pain for me. This was gone after the first mile. The second wall I think I shall call the "Fatty Wall" where I could only jog slowly for the first three or so miles, and then proceeded to lengthen my stride for the last one and a half and really take off.

There is clear improvement in my running, in speed and distance, that's absolutely certain.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

(02:02:26 PM) cantkilltharoost: mein Gott
(02:02:32 PM) cantkilltharoost: I have made something that cannot be unmade
(02:02:32 PM) bringmethegunsel: yes
(02:02:35 PM) bringmethegunsel: haha
(02:02:47 PM) bringmethegunsel: i have such a terrible hangover
(02:02:47 PM) cantkilltharoost: Shredded smoked beef chuck + infernal mole
(02:02:53 PM) cantkilltharoost: dude, this could nuke your hangover
(02:02:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: damn
(02:02:58 PM) cantkilltharoost: burn it right out of your brain
(02:03:01 PM) cantkilltharoost: like, it's too good
(02:03:07 PM) cantkilltharoost: I can't stop eating these sandwiches
(02:03:13 PM) bringmethegunsel: hahahaha
(02:03:18 PM) cantkilltharoost: but at the same time, I'm panting like a dog in an alabama july
(02:03:27 PM) cantkilltharoost: and sweating like a mexican in an INS holding cell
(02:03:39 PM) cantkilltharoost: I put unsweetened chocolate into my hot sauce
(02:03:47 PM) cantkilltharoost: and poured it over shredded smoke meat
(02:03:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: damn your eyes
(02:03:56 PM) cantkilltharoost: I am actually getting a little black and white vision right now
(02:04:14 PM) bringmethegunsel: haahaha
(02:04:34 PM) cantkilltharoost: oh god,
(02:04:43 PM) cantkilltharoost: such terrible things will spray from my ass tonight
(02:04:56 PM) cantkilltharoost: I am using these sandwiches to wash down almost 80g of whey protein,
(02:04:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: hahahaha
(02:05:01 PM) bringmethegunsel: jesus
(02:05:11 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down an intense 20 minute bare-knuckle heavy bag session
(02:05:17 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down an intense back and bicep workout
(02:05:24 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down a 3 hour rock climbing session yesterday
(02:05:29 PM) cantkilltharoost: ... I am about to go super saijin
(02:05:29 PM) bringmethegunsel: jesus
(02:05:51 PM) cantkilltharoost: if you don't hear back from me, it is because I have become a being of pure light.

Back and Boxing (Heavy Bag)

Hi-Rep back day was uneventful, aside from having to skip pulldowns on account of those muscles already being sore from rock climbing. Apparently rock climbing is all upper back, shoulders, and legs.

I decided to go about 20 minutes on the heavy bag without gloves to force myself to fix my form. If I hit only with the correct knuckles, there is no bruising or damage. If I don't, there is immediate punishment. This actually worked. Seriously.

I feel like I've got a pretty good jab, from both front and back arm. I will continue to improve on speed, but I feel like the power is more than sufficient (maybe too much for a jab, I may be putting too much into it, affecting my balance). I started working also on my left cross, right straight, and combos with all of the above. Particularly, I wanted to work on hops towards and away from the opponent and jabs, the idea being if someone winds up for a hay-maker, being able to pop them in the eyes so fast that they can't see to hit me, and then of course leveling them with a left cross to the jaw.

Without a partner, I can't really do slipping drills yet, which I will have to remedy. I'd like to be able to practice slip-jab and slip-hook combos, which I feel will be useful.

On being a good workout buddy

I think the most important part of being a good partner is knowing your partner's limits. Meaning, not being afraid to goad them into getting that last rep or staying on that wall if you KNOW they can get it. My partner helped me with this at one point. I felt like I was out of juice and I was almost up. "I'm not letting you down until you tag that top part." So I just blaze right up it and tag. That last bit is the most important one.

"Do it until you can't, then do one more to grow on"

The flipside of this though, is knowing when NOT to goad. This happened a bit later, when I just couldn't get up the beginning of a more difficult route. He was tall and proportionally stronger and could, and was mistakenly convinced I could as well. Very frustrating, and somewhat discouraging. We learn, though. He's much more competitive than I am. I just happen to really enjoy fitness and activity, he's in it to break personal records.

Rock Climbing

Went to Metrorock in lovely Everett MA. For 21 bucks, I got a day pass with rental harness and shoes.

Just a note for those of you considering it, a climbing harness feels like it will tear your gooch asunder. And you'd best be sure it's tight, otherwise one or both of your testicles, or your sack will get under it, and get pinched.

Now that the unpleasant part is out of the way, rock climbing is pretty awesome. I'm only a little sore today, but that's not because it wasn't intense. I'm a little afraid the soreness is on it's way.

We were going up and down the faces for about three hours. My climbing partner has about six inches of height on me, and I have about 40 pounds of mass on him. I.e. he's a beanpole and I'm some minor shithouse. Not quite brick, probably fieldstone. Needless to say, I am NOT well adapted for climbing. Despite having strong forearm and back, I just didn't have the flexibility or reach to be really great. When I told my old man I was going climbing he chuckled and said "those guys are long and lean." He was correct. Beanpole party at the climbing place.

I'm looking forward to climbing more when I'm back down to 200lbs, and probably stronger. My power to weight ratio isn't as good as it could be, and that's very limiting. There's a rock gym in Worcester I plan to check out soon. I think I can get better by fixing my technique.

It struck me in the shower this morning that I was keeping my center of gravity pretty far off the wall and relying on back muscles to huuurf my self up. I think I can fix that.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wanted to run today, could not. Soles of feet and knees hurt too bad to run through about a quarter mile in. Unfortunate, but given the fact that I'm going rock climbing tomorrow, maybe for the best.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monadnock Two

I met up with Matt and his friend Eugene (Yvgeny by birth, says the accent and cheekbones) and got to the mountain around 10, after some trouble getting there.

The Spellman demolished and re-defined my idea of "steep rocks." 500 yards of very steep rock, patchily covered in ice and snow. If I hadn't been in the company of two people much more versed in climbing than me, I definitely would have turned around and done something else, but as it was I got invaluable instruction in climbing technique.

I think we may hit the climbing gym on Friday, and I can get some proper schooling. I have a bit of fear in letting myself out of contact with the surface in front of me. They're capable of jumping up, and I'm not.

We made good time, and came down in under four hours.

I want to try some of the western routes. Looking at the map, it seems like they're pretty gentle, but sure are a lot of paths. Should be fun.

Not a fitness thing, but if I can (after hiking Seven Sisters) on Saturday, I think i'm going to see if I can take a class at the gun range (also in western mass).