Saturday, April 4, 2009

On being a good workout buddy

I think the most important part of being a good partner is knowing your partner's limits. Meaning, not being afraid to goad them into getting that last rep or staying on that wall if you KNOW they can get it. My partner helped me with this at one point. I felt like I was out of juice and I was almost up. "I'm not letting you down until you tag that top part." So I just blaze right up it and tag. That last bit is the most important one.

"Do it until you can't, then do one more to grow on"

The flipside of this though, is knowing when NOT to goad. This happened a bit later, when I just couldn't get up the beginning of a more difficult route. He was tall and proportionally stronger and could, and was mistakenly convinced I could as well. Very frustrating, and somewhat discouraging. We learn, though. He's much more competitive than I am. I just happen to really enjoy fitness and activity, he's in it to break personal records.

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