Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monadnock Two

I met up with Matt and his friend Eugene (Yvgeny by birth, says the accent and cheekbones) and got to the mountain around 10, after some trouble getting there.

The Spellman demolished and re-defined my idea of "steep rocks." 500 yards of very steep rock, patchily covered in ice and snow. If I hadn't been in the company of two people much more versed in climbing than me, I definitely would have turned around and done something else, but as it was I got invaluable instruction in climbing technique.

I think we may hit the climbing gym on Friday, and I can get some proper schooling. I have a bit of fear in letting myself out of contact with the surface in front of me. They're capable of jumping up, and I'm not.

We made good time, and came down in under four hours.

I want to try some of the western routes. Looking at the map, it seems like they're pretty gentle, but sure are a lot of paths. Should be fun.

Not a fitness thing, but if I can (after hiking Seven Sisters) on Saturday, I think i'm going to see if I can take a class at the gun range (also in western mass).

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