Saturday, April 4, 2009

(02:02:26 PM) cantkilltharoost: mein Gott
(02:02:32 PM) cantkilltharoost: I have made something that cannot be unmade
(02:02:32 PM) bringmethegunsel: yes
(02:02:35 PM) bringmethegunsel: haha
(02:02:47 PM) bringmethegunsel: i have such a terrible hangover
(02:02:47 PM) cantkilltharoost: Shredded smoked beef chuck + infernal mole
(02:02:53 PM) cantkilltharoost: dude, this could nuke your hangover
(02:02:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: damn
(02:02:58 PM) cantkilltharoost: burn it right out of your brain
(02:03:01 PM) cantkilltharoost: like, it's too good
(02:03:07 PM) cantkilltharoost: I can't stop eating these sandwiches
(02:03:13 PM) bringmethegunsel: hahahaha
(02:03:18 PM) cantkilltharoost: but at the same time, I'm panting like a dog in an alabama july
(02:03:27 PM) cantkilltharoost: and sweating like a mexican in an INS holding cell
(02:03:39 PM) cantkilltharoost: I put unsweetened chocolate into my hot sauce
(02:03:47 PM) cantkilltharoost: and poured it over shredded smoke meat
(02:03:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: damn your eyes
(02:03:56 PM) cantkilltharoost: I am actually getting a little black and white vision right now
(02:04:14 PM) bringmethegunsel: haahaha
(02:04:34 PM) cantkilltharoost: oh god,
(02:04:43 PM) cantkilltharoost: such terrible things will spray from my ass tonight
(02:04:56 PM) cantkilltharoost: I am using these sandwiches to wash down almost 80g of whey protein,
(02:04:56 PM) bringmethegunsel: hahahaha
(02:05:01 PM) bringmethegunsel: jesus
(02:05:11 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down an intense 20 minute bare-knuckle heavy bag session
(02:05:17 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down an intense back and bicep workout
(02:05:24 PM) cantkilltharoost: to wash down a 3 hour rock climbing session yesterday
(02:05:29 PM) cantkilltharoost: ... I am about to go super saijin
(02:05:29 PM) bringmethegunsel: jesus
(02:05:51 PM) cantkilltharoost: if you don't hear back from me, it is because I have become a being of pure light.

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