Friday, March 27, 2009

Purchased a massive thing of whey protein today, on sale at GNC. I'm hoping I can adjust the ratio of fat/carbs/protein in my diet a little more towards protein.

Right now, I'm on a strict diet of meat and beer. Great for a viking, where you get hacked to death at some point before middle age, but unsustainable for me.

It sucks to be working out like a fiend and still be a bit fat, due to my love of PBR. I know i'm only enjoying a brief period in my life where I can drink a lot of beer and not end up fat. Sooner or later, my metabolism will quit and I'll have to give it up altogether, as I would simply not have the time or motivation to do enough cardio to balance it out. Sad, I know, but that's life, right?

I know what's important to me, and it's health, not beer. I thank the Almighty I'm not 10% more of a fiend.

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